Amouage Epic Man. Oil Designers Version
Epic for Man, The House of Amouage celebrates mysteries of the Orient. Combining rare spices and resins carried along the Silk Road, the perfume brings together Middle and Far East, creating a harmonious, dramatic fusion. Epic lures you in...the more you smell the more you want to get in. Its like, pineapple now-laters; once you unwrap one, put it into your mouth and get whim of the flavor your taste buds just crave more and more; so to Epic, this smell causes you to want more and more. It's very rare to get this fragrance in oil. The originality and long lasting effects of this fragrance distinguishes it from others. You can get the 15ml and 100ml of this fragrance at a cheaper and better price. For more information on supply or purchase, please contact us on 234 8032262696 or write us directly through